Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 6. Instead of experiencing ourselves in the same way but with a new plan, let's plan to experience ourselves in a new way.

Passed two hawks by the reservoir while I was biking. At the closest point we were 10 ft. apart. Cool.

Instead of experiencing ourselves in the same way but with a new plan, let's plan to experience ourselves in a new way.

Danced around like an idiot, found amazing opening through my whole spine. I think I'm an inch taller.

If you want to live without stress, take time each morning to remind yourself how to let go of it. The more time you take to remind yourself, the more stress you will remember to release. keep at it, eventually your whole day be a remembrance of releasing stress, every moment. Simultaneously, while you're doing whatever else it is you're doing -- also remember to be relaxed about it -- stress-free. Don't happy.

The game is rigged. The rules and strategies are already decided; the hosts of the game have given themselves a huge advantage. Know that whomever you imagine to be oppressing you -- gov't, banks, lawmakers, neighbors, etc. -- they have simply stacked a particular deck of playing cards and said, "Hey, wanna play?" If you agree they'll tell you, "Alright then. Here are the rules, and this is the object of the game." If you like that game, great. If you don't like that game, don't play. Never forget that you're the one who is choosing to play.

You're walking along a straight path. We call it "time". One moment passes, and the next. As you step toward your next moment, the ground opens up beneath you, like a universal man-hole-cover that someone has just moved out from underneath your feet. You fall, deeper into the moment. As you fall deeper and deeper, time simply stands still, waiting for you to continue on your journey. Time...waits for you.... As you fall you realize that you can guide this vertical travel. Falling becomes flying. You can climb out of that moment whenever you'd like, or you can soar as deeply as you choose.

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