Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 11. Sometimes you have to experience what you don't want in order to realize how much you really want what you want.

Today it was a sunset yoga practice.  Perhaps 10 days of waking up at (or almost at) 5 am has caught up with me.  I slept until 7:30 this morning cuddling my beautiful 11-month-old daughter Marley (tho I did decide ahead of time to forgo my sunrise practice).  My wife Jen was planning on an early morning herself, and since I'd had 10 mornings in a row to myself I decided to simply sleep and be with Marley while Jen got herself out the door.  I think too I was curious what it would feel like to skip my morning practice...

The past 10 mornings that I greeted the sun caused me to feel vibrant all day.  Witnessing the arrival of light on our planet seems to imbue my being with cosmic rhythm -- a sort of cosmic slow groove.  The sun has such a "no hurry" attitude when it comes in the morning that I am reminded of the spaciousness that caresses and sustains all things.  Seeing the Sun's deliberate pace reminds me that I can begin my day with a "no hurry" attitude as well, and I can take my time to soak in the expanse that is life.  In this expanse, all of life breathes.

This morning I awoke and the sun was already up.  My morning carried a familiar I was running a race but had missed the starting gun.  I had a gentle feeling all day like I was trying to catch up...trying to wake up but never quite getting there.  Today was by no means miserable or depressing or even unpleasant...but it did leave me yearning for more.  In the past 10 days I have experienced an evolving wakefulness, a bubbling connection with every part of my experience and I'm hungry for more.

I have the house to myself for the weekend...and I am excited for the sunrise tomorrow.

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