Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 13. Healthy choices will always flow from truthful observations.

Think of someone in your life that you do not like.  Maybe a co-worker or neighbor that bothers you, a grocery store cashier that rubs you the wrong way, a relative that is annoying...

So this person is someone with whom you have a problem.  Cropping that last sentence a bit reveals that you have a problem.  Not them.  Realize that when you hold onto your "not liking" of someone, you are the one who suffers.  I read that the Buddha said, "Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die".  I think you can substitute a lot of emotions and feelings for anger and have the same result.

Of course, it is perfectly okay to feel angry, or to not like someone, or anything else.  It is always your choice and it always will be.  But realize how your choices are impacting your life and then decide if they serve you.  If your choice is not serving you, make a new choice.  Not liking someone is fine.  However, holding on to that "not liking" without realizing the effect it is having on you can be deadly.

Experiences, like those of not liking someone, are neither good or bad by definition.  All experiences serve the same purpose --  they show us to ourselves.  All of life serves as a grand mirror reflecting us back at ourselves so that we may meet ourselves in every situation and decide how best to declare who we are with respect to those situations.

So, I say again, not liking someone is perfectly fine because the experience of that feeling reveals yourself to yourself.  Once you have been revealed to yourself, then you can choose whether or not to continue expressing yourself in the same way.

Healthy choices will always flow from truthful observations.

Once you have come to clarity about a thing, take action.  The longer you wait to take action, the greater the likelihood of you doubting that clarity, and you will think "oh I just made it all up, maybe I shouldn't do such and such".  Nonsense!  Moments of clarity are moments of truth.  They are moments when you see the full picture, the whole fabric, and you understand without a doubt what you want.  The more that you act on your clear insights, the more you will realize why you had those insights in the first place.  Know that your insights are taking you to exactly where you say you want to go.  Don't be afraid to follow them, even after your clarity fades.  If a vision has come in a moment of clarity and you did not act on it, know that the vision is still available to you.  Moments of clarity bring eternal truths that will shine for you until you take action.  When you act upon clarity your visions will turn into experience.  Do this often enough and you will know in your own experience that you can trust yourself and your insights, and you will also begin to realize that what you can envision you can also create.

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