Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Balance In Stillness, Stillness In Movement

Many are able to balance while moving.
Some have forgotten how to balance while still.
Some are scared to not-balance, to fall over.

When One does not wish to fall, and has forgotten how to balance while still, One will keep moving.
One who keeps moving becomes exhausted.
Eventually One must be still.

When One is still, One is Source.
When One is Source, One remembers Who One Is.
When One remembers Who One Is, One experiences fullness in Life.
When One experiences fullness in Life, One smiles...there is nothing more to do.


When One remembers how to balance while still, One can then experience stillness in movement.
When One experiences stillness in movement, One expresses Source in One's actions.
When One expresses Source in One's actions, One's actions become Source.
When One's actions become Source, Source grows.
When Source grows, Source grows....

Much of our Yoga Asana in the western world is movement-based Yoga -- Vinyasa, Flow, Power Yoga, etc.  These are fabulous practices.  For balance, we must also attend to Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, and other styles that remind us of stillness in posture.
Remember stillness and let Source grow through You!

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