Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Balance In Stillness, Stillness In Movement

Many are able to balance while moving.
Some have forgotten how to balance while still.
Some are scared to not-balance, to fall over.

When One does not wish to fall, and has forgotten how to balance while still, One will keep moving.
One who keeps moving becomes exhausted.
Eventually One must be still.

When One is still, One is Source.
When One is Source, One remembers Who One Is.
When One remembers Who One Is, One experiences fullness in Life.
When One experiences fullness in Life, One smiles...there is nothing more to do.


When One remembers how to balance while still, One can then experience stillness in movement.
When One experiences stillness in movement, One expresses Source in One's actions.
When One expresses Source in One's actions, One's actions become Source.
When One's actions become Source, Source grows.
When Source grows, Source grows....

Much of our Yoga Asana in the western world is movement-based Yoga -- Vinyasa, Flow, Power Yoga, etc.  These are fabulous practices.  For balance, we must also attend to Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, and other styles that remind us of stillness in posture.
Remember stillness and let Source grow through You!

Monday, February 22, 2016

A Way To Honor Those Who Came Before You

A way to honor the ones who came before you and taught you, is to do something useful with what they gave you.

Sometimes When I Speak, I Squeak

Sometimes when I speak, I squeak.  It's almost as if I don't actually want to be heard... I eat my words so to speak.

Other times, I BOOM...with clarity, purpose and passion.

Put The Pen Down

Clarity in communication arises when one knows when to put down one's pen (or close one's mouth).

Monday, February 15, 2016

Bambi Shakes. What Will We Hear...If We Listen?

Our three-year-old pomeranian, Bambi, often gets the short end of the stick when it comes to receiving attention.  After all she's a dog, she chews on sticks, poops outside and eats anything that falls on the floor...doesn't she require less emotional and attentional engagement?  I don't actually believe that, but based on my actions it would seem that I do. I'm working to remind myself to include her needs more in my awareness and follow through.

Yesterday morning I began my practice a little after 5 am.  Bambi showed up mat-side soon after.  My wife and I have noticed, ever since Bambi has been living with us, that she quivers from time to time.  Mostly it seems benign, but every now and then I can't help but feel it is significant in some way.  And I'm not talking about a little shake to dry off, or a gentle shudder...it's more like she's shivering, sometimes powerfully, and I'm fairly certain she's not actually cold.  My intuition has always told me it has to do with her feeling of belonging.

A year ago we found her wandering down the street in our Baltimore neighborhood, and after getting in touch with her previous owner, who had been hospitalized for some time and had passed Bambi off to friends, and friends of friends, we decided we could provide her with a good home.  It seemed, and the owner even unhappily suggested, that she wasn't being well cared for.  Who knows, maybe she was abused, or neglected.  She is a sweetheart and seems to love being part of family, our family.  When she quivers it seems like she's face-to-face with uncertainty, and working through past emotions relating to acceptance and fear.

When she came to visit me on my mat yesterday morning, I acknowledged her, and then continued on with my "I have (yoga) work to do" attitude.  But she stayed put, and I noticed her quivering.  It was so strong that it was practically audible.

My dad always says that the early morning is a very spiritual time of day, and it is true; within the vacinity of sunrise I always feel an auspiciuos perceptivity and connectedness.  I knelt down to greet the beautiful furball before me, and I put my hands on her.  I felt her shaking powerfully.  For a moment I held the thought, "maybe it's neurologic, maybe a nerve is snapped or something.  Maybe she's just a dog who will always shake".  After that thought was had, I basically laughed at it.  I fully believe that in each and every moment we possess the capability to completely understand and be the source of our experience.  To me, healing is always within reach.  It is always a possibility, awaiting a simple choice to trigger its actualization.  Our health is the product of nothing but our own choices.  The outcome of a situation is the product of nothing but the choices of those involved.  You are the highest expert of any moment in which you participate, in as far as your ability to listen to what the moment is communicating.

After I released my thought of "oh this is just the way it is", I felt Bambi's shake as communication.  I let it in.  I let her vibrations travel through my arms to my center and I sent my own vibrations of ease, relaxation and "dude, we so totally accept you, you angel of a dog" back to her.  I kept at it for a while, with heavy hands I firmly and kindly squeezed and massaged all of her barely-more-than-10-pound body.  I felt her quivers becoming less frequent, her demeanor more quiet.  It felt like deep work we were doing.  There were times when it felt as though she wanted to walk away, still shaking, but I was unyielding in my assurance to her, "you can give me your shakes, you don't need them".  Eventually she seemed at peace.  She breathed easy, she felt calm--almost like she now remembered her place in the world, her right to be here, and our adoration for her.  She layed down, I stood up.  I brought my hands to prayer, samasthiti.  I smiled and felt humbled by what just transpired.  I also felt empowered.  Our creations are the stuff of magic.

What a gift Bambi brought me yesterday.  What will we hear...if we listen?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

To Pay On A Sliding Scale

Maybe our whole commerce system should be sliding-scale.  Instead of paying a fixed price for things, we could pay a percentage of what we have.

Real estate, cars, cell phones.  Having to pay for these things according to a sliding scale would drop the incentive for people to do work simply because it paid well, and, perhaps, more of us would engage in work because we enjoyed it

The Space Between

My son went off before my alarm went off this morning.  After my wife and I failed to coax him back to sleep, I brought him downstairs to start our morning.

I swapped him into a fresh diaper, we switched the laundry over, then we headed to the living room so I could get on my mat.  I brought him some entertainment (wooden blocks and puzzles) and began my wake-up effort.

Xavier would stay with his toys for a while, then come climb on me, then eventually sit down and cry (the "daddy play with me" kind).  Usually this is the point when I pick him up to soothe, comfort, and reassure.

Determined to continue my yoga practice I'd guide him back to his toys and continue my practice.  We did this dance a few times, and the next time he sat down to cry I let him be.  I heard him, I loved him, I wouldn't be held hostage by him.  I continued my practice.

He wailed for some time, grabbed at me, climbed on me... After all, the precedent I've set is that when he cries I (usually) pick him up.  This time, I remained steadfast and eventually he realized that he wasn't getting picked up.  He sat down, put his thumb in his mouth, and sat quietly.  Then he stood up, peacefully explored the room, found his toys and entertained himself.  I was able to flow for a while.  

There was a new dynamic between us now.  We were aware of each other, Xavier and I, and at the same time we were aware of ourselves and the space in between.  I felt satisfied. 

That space in between is crucial.   When the space in between is gone, a neediness sets in.  When we maintain the space, we are simultaneously able to acknowledge one another and allow each other our own ventures.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

It Is What We Do That Makes The Greatest Statement Of Who We Are

Like I said...

Live From Self, Live For All

Yoga reminds us to Self-Love and share this Love with All.

Direct Source Sponsors Direct Communication

How does one achieve balance, harmony in ones life?  Sometimes it is hard to prioritize, and I feel lost...like I don't know what to do first...

And even as I finish writing the question I know the answer....

By asking that question I am still stuck in "needing to KNOW" (with mind).  Let feeling guide, and trust feeling.  Feeling is Direct Communication and Direct Communication comes from Direct Source.  Get in touch with the Direct Source...not the modulated and reformatted version of source that fits neatly into our current view of reality.  Allow Direct Communication from Direct Source to open your understanding to more and more possibilities, more and more truth.

Feel.  Trust.  You will know what to do.

Direct Communication...Holy Communion

Direct Communication is being caused to feel/know something before having a thought about it.  If you are pushed, you do not need to think, and decide, and analyze with thought whether or not you were pushed.  You simply feel it.  You simply know.  And because of this instant understanding, you right yourself.  You feel the push and you respond however is necessary, without a thought about it.  The push will send us toppling to the floor if we have to think about the state of reality before acting on it.


Do not think about what you're feeling.  Instead, simply feel it, and respond how it FEELS appropriate.

When we hear a song that is moving, when we read something that resonates, when someone speaks to us and we tingle -- these are all instances of words carrying Direct Communication.  We feel a certain way in response to the push we are receiving.  We do not have to think about the meaning of the words before they are understood, before they carry impact.  We know before we know how we know.  We understand before analyzing content.  Truth is felt, and it happens in an instant.  By comparison, thought lags.  Thought requires a delay for processing, analyzing, deciding.  Direct Communication is instant, and this is why it is so effective at helping us create our highest reality.  Direct Communication is a Holy Communion...it is the absolute leading edge of creation, all else lags behind.

We Make Today

We who wake up, make today happen.  We bring it.  We cause it to be.  Without us -- the lot of us -- there is no new day.  There is only the end of yesterday.  Today is a new choice to be here.

A Thought, A Question, A Response. What Are We?

My thought: We do not pass through time.  We ARE the passage of time.  We are time.

My question:  We seem to travel through space.  Are we the space too?

My response:  We are indeed the space you and I.  We are the space and we are that which resides in the space.  Space is another description, another denotion of me -- another quality if you will.  I don't travel, I don't move, in the sense that there is nowhere for me to go.  All occurs here.  The "I" that seems to move is my focus, my view, my attention, and I move it to different parts of myself.  Yet I am always here, in wholeness.  There is no "Somewhere Else" for me to be.

As you feel yourself move, you are my focus, you are my view, you are my attention.  You explore the different parts of Me, and You bring me your unique experience of Me.  You are here to show me to myself.  Were it not for you, I would not be able to experience myself.  How very precious you are :-)

It Is Simple. Love Made You.

You have been invited into this world, chosen by those who came before you.  And so too you have chosen to be here.  You were chosen by two people deciding to Love each other.  They made Love...and here you are.  You are born of Love. You ARE Love.

You could not be here if you were not Loved, cared for, nurtured.  The simple fact is that someone fed you, gave you drink, clothed you.  Humans are not born self-sufficient.  Someone, indeed many someones, made sure you stayed alive, made sure you got to continue experiencing this Life.  Is that not Love?  To have brought you here, fed you, quenched your thirst, clothed your naked body?

It's true that we humans pass on at many ages, some fresh from birth.  For some, their journey here seems very brief.  Still, for any experience of being here, no matter how brief, Love is the cause, and Love is the sustenance.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ode to Our Feet (Loosely)

We owe much to our feet.

When was the last time you thanked them?

Touched them?
Rubbed them?
Kissed them?
Hugged them?

Are you even able to bring your lips to them?

If we're afraid of our feet we must take better care of them.  And when we wear shoes on our feet, and we then think our shoes are filthy, we must take better care of our streets.

"Isn't Yoga Just Stretching?"

Stretching is part of Yoga Practice absolutely.  Stretching, bending, flexing, changing, growing are all part of Yoga Practice.  And all of these qualities arise from the same source...Waking Up - Becoming more fully Alive.

The body begins to breathe more so the ribcage must expand more, the chest must rise more, the spine must elongate more, there must be more space made.  The body must stretch and grow to accommodate this new breath, this new space. 

So yes, stretching happens when Yoga is practiced.

And On We Go


It's been almost a year since my last post, and my son just turned a year old...no coincidence there :-)

My wife and I have moved our family into a place of healing, and I have resumed Sunrise Yoga.  It's amazing that it has been a year since I've practiced in this way, and still, when I step onto my mat before the sun rises, my early morning practice carries all the same qualities that I remember from a year ago.  It seems ageless, beyond time.  It seems to be always available...like a frequency just floating along, always able to be tuned in to.

We are still in the thick of unpacking, so I am delayed in sharing the words from yesterday morning, but I find them just as meaningful today:

You can give away what you have. 
You will get back what you need. 
It's called sharing. 
You probably tell your toddler to do this a dozen times a day.