Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life Alert: Daily User Input Required.

Finally, as I head to bed, I have a moment to write.

This morning I woke up early, went for a walk, practiced yoga, danced a bit and then got on with my day. A step in the right direction, and I will keep walking.

I understand this life to be cumulative, and I know that my effort must be consistent and persistent.

Recently I watched a video interview with Waylon Lewis (founder of Elephant Journal) who interviewed Seane Corn (renowned yoga teacher, and activist -- founder of Off the Mat Into the World).  Waylon asked her how she stays grounded in her unbelievably busy life in which she travels a ton, and goes from airplane to hotel to project, etc.  She said (paraphrasing) "I have six non-negotiables: yoga, meditation, prayer, therapy, diet and sleep.  If any one of the those is off, there is a good chance that my presence will wain, my 'small self' will show up, my ego will dominate and my clarity will blur.  With the exception of therapy, I attend to these practices every day".

I am starting to realize what my non-negotiables are.

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